It’s Too Damn Hot
It’s Too Damn Hot!
Solve climate change? Step number 1 – Care for each other.
Step number 2 Turn this climate disaster around; start now and hit zero emissions by 2050 latest!
Step number 3: Think globally, but act locally
Plant a Tree!
Ride a Bike!
Convince your local politician!
Eat Plants, Not Meat!
Step number 4: Transition Away from Fossil Fuels
Clean, carbon-free energy. What is it? Where do we get it?
Large Nuclear Power plants are safe, have carbon free emissions, and are great for large populated regions
Small Nuclear or even Micro-Nuclear power plants promise safe, flexible, small power sources for remote communities, industry, or small urban centres.
Large Solar Power Farms work best as intermittent power at 25%-30% of grid capacity with nuclear power supplying the rest of the primary energy demand.
Small solar panels in independent systems can work well.
Residential solar contributes to the grid, lowers electricity bills.
Small solar panels can power independent electrical units like street signs.
In areas without electrical power, inexpensive small solar panels powering car batteries can bring light and power for small tools.
Wind farms with very large turbines are effective in agricultural settings spaced well apart. Wind energy operates best as intermittent power at about 25% of the grid capacity, with nuclear supplying the rest.
Hydro power or water-driven power sources are not common, but where they occur, they can deliver constant power. However, creating new dams and flooding useful areas, is not a great idea.
Wait! Farming and Forestry Must be Part of the Solution!
Step Number 5: Finding a balance with nature.
Healthy diverse forests are a valuable natural way to clean the air. Clear-cutting and burning for agriculture destroys the forest.
Raising farm animals contributes to methane in the atmosphere, a powerful greenhouse gas. Supplementing with seaweed reduces the methane release.
Modern farming techniques using pesticides and artificial fertilizers feed most of the world, but also severely reduce our natural biodiversity. Society must find a better balance to survive.
Whew – Great Job! We did all that!
Wait!!! It is still getting hotter and hotter?
Help! What more can we do?
Science to the rescue!
Step Number 6: Manage the Climate Forever

The Final Challenge: Find a safe method to balance the greenhouse gas levels with the sun’s energy.

While we are solving the climate crisis, we must not forget the people who are already suffering from the climate impacts: Those who have had to flee their homes because of drought or flood, or hurricanes and typhoons, or wildfires, or loss of freshwater supplies, or gangs and warlords who have taken over governments as the people suffered.
WE are already in trouble.
WE don’t know what to do.
Help us.
Climate refugees:
A Global Responsibility